úterý 20. září 2016

Flowers & Stripes

A L O H A  friends.

Posledních pár dnů bylo tak trochu "odpočinkových". A když říkám odpočinkových, myslím tím, že jsem je strávila povětšinou doma urovnáváním věcí a uklízením a přerovnáváním a bůh ví čím. O víkendu jsem si konečně přivezla věci z bytu v Praze (takže už zase bydlím u rodičů, hurá! *ironie*) a bylo třeba udělat pro ně místo. Takže jsem musela probrat všechen ten brak, co se mi tady za poslední dobu nahromadil... No, ještě pořád nemám vyhráno. Ještě tu na mě čekají dvě plné krabice papírů - snad jen bůh ví, co v nich všechno je. Mám z nich strach.

Venku to vypadá, že léto už definitivně skončilo, z čehož mám vážně radost, protože podzim miluju! No, dobrá, upřímně - to počasí venku se mi nepáčí. Miluju takovej ten podzim, kdy je všude (sucho! a) barevný listí a slunce svítí a ještě trochu hřeje, ale zase ne moc - takže můžeme vrstvit oblečení! Yaaay! Prostě to, co bylo minulý listopad v Irsku!

A když už jsme u těch vrstev oblečení, mrkněte na elegantér. Tam už jsem na plno najela na podzimní sezónu a už tam můžete najít nějakou tu podzimní módní inspiraci.

Ale v tomto článku se ještě trochu vrátíme do léta - loučilo se s námi celkem nárazově a v těch několika posledních parných dnes jsme stihli s Tomem něco nafotit.


pondělí 12. září 2016


A L O H A  friends.

Na facebooku už jste si mohli všimnout, že jsem tuto sobotu zavítala na akci zvanou Run in Colors. Tato událost se konala hned v několika městech, a jelikož se nekoná prvním rokem, dá se říct, že už se jedná o jakýsi celorepublikový fenomén. Protože mi účast na minulém ročníku z časových důvodů nevyšla, hodně jsem se těšila na ten letošní, který jsem si (jak jsem sama sobě slíbila) nemohla nechat ujít. A zúčastnila jsem se Plzeňské zastávky...

Pro ty z vás, kteří o téhle akci třeba ještě neslyšeli: Jedná se o pětikilometrový běh, který je spojen s velkou porcí zábavy v podobě práškových barev. A o ten běh jako takový vlastně ani nejde - nejedná se o žádný závod, čas se oficiálně nijak neměří - jde hlavně o to trochu se odvázat a užít si srandu. A to tedy Plzeňský Run in Colors rozhodně splnil. Běželo asi 1200 lidí, a jelikož jde také o charitativní akci, tak se díky této účasti vybralo více jak 120 000. Což je fakt super!

Nechci tady sepisovat sáhodlouhé odstavce o významu akce a bůh ví o čem. Jak říkám, šlo hlavně o zábavu... I když musím uznat (jako blázen do běhání), že jsem se těšila i na ten běh. Počasí vyšlo na jedničku a běželo se fakt krásně.
Každopádně... Tady ještě pár fotek:

Takový pěkný bílý trička to byly...

"Nejšťastnější běh v tvém životě"

Cože? Že mám na sobě někde barvu?

Duhové zatmění


Tolik barev ještě Borský park nezažil

Ještě teď po dvou dnech na sobě někde najdu zbytek barvy... Ale stálo to za to! Rozhodně!

Přidejte se i vy.

Take care and I talk to you soon!


středa 1. června 2016

Weekend in Paris.

I'd say it's about time to tell you a little something about my recent trip to Paris. As you may already know from some previous blog posts I went there just for three days (was leaving on Friday and returning home on Sunday), with my parents and my brother. In many ways it was very educational trip. It was kind of a trial version of this year's two-week summer holidays - all the planning, organizing, taking care of my folks (make sure they won't get lost; which almost happened in Paris!), and the most importantly kind of learn how to spend a lot of time with my mum without getting on each other's nerves, which is still kinda impossible (oh my god! she was complaining ALL THE TIME!!).

Anyways, let's start from the beginning...

Weekend in Paris.

Řekla bych, že je nejvyšší čas podělit se s Vámi o zážitky z mé nedávné cesty do Paříže. Ze starších příspěvků na blogu už můžete vědět, že šlo o třídenní víkendový výlet s mými rodiči a bráchou. V mnoha směrech to byl velmi poučný výlet a zároveň taková zkušební cesta před letní dvoutýdenní dovolenou - plánování, organizace, postarat se o rodiče (ujistit se, že se mi nikde neztratí; což se v Paříži málem stalo!) a hlavně se tak nějak naučit vydržet delší dobu s moji mamkou, aniž bychom si začaly lézt na nervy, což jak jsem zjistila, je téměř nemožné (kdyby si jenom pořád na něco nestěžovala!).

Každopádně, začněme hezky od začátku...

středa 11. května 2016

How to plan a perfect travel itinerary

H E L L O  friends.

Time just flies by and now it's just two weeks till my weekend trip to Paris. I've been planning it for a few days now to make sure I'll get to see as many things as possible in such a short period of time. And I also need to book some things in advance so I don't spend hours in queues in front of ticket counters.

And as this isn't my first trip that I've had to plan all alone I'd say I have some experience with making a travel itinerary, whether it is just a weekend trip or two-week holiday. I also came to understanding that planning a perfect itinerary is the hardest but most important thing about traveling. A few people have already told me that they wouldn't really know how to make an epic and successful itinerary so I decided to dedicate a blog post to this topic and talk about everything you should do in a process of planning.

You don't have to worry, it's not that hard. You can go step by step, I'm gonna talk about all of them. Of course, if you want your itinerary to be perfect, you need to invest some time into it, but the process itself isn't difficult at all.

Any passionate traveler (like myself) constantly keeps a list of places they wanna visit someday, which is added to every now and then. There are so many sources of inspiration all around us - on the phone, the internet, TV, or in "real life" (a recommendation from a friend or someone from your family). I would advise you to think of some sort of storage for keeping track of everything. My favorite way is to use Pinterest, you can either create public or private boards for this purpose. If you use private boards than you can upload screenshots or snapshots from your phone. If you want, you can check out my Pinterest page where you can find a lot of useful stuff for traveling. 

When you think you have all the information you can get in the first step of planning and you have a rough idea of where you want to go, when you can take a trip and how long that trip might be you should creat a personalized map of all possible destinations. I have to say that this step is the most important part for me. It really helps - seeing all the places you wanna visit at one place - highlighted in one map. From that you can quite easily put together a detailed schedule of your trip. I use Google Maps "My Maps" feature for every itinerary I plan. I've already did a blog post just about how to create your own map there, when I was planning a trip to Ireland last year, so you can give it a look here.

When you've completed your map, you should have a pretty clear idea about which locations you'll want to visit. Usually it depends on the priority level of each location and how difficult it is to travel between them. I like to start a spreadsheet with a row for each day, choosing the schedule based on locations of every place I wanna visit. (For example, with my upcoming trip to Paris: the first day I'm making my way to the north part of the city to see Sacré-Coeur and Moulin Rouge because they're basically right next to each other; and the second day I'm going to see Eiffel Tower and other places in the city centre.)

With your rough schedule in hand, go out and look at the availibility for hotels, transportation and those must do activities. I usually do this step coherently with those two above, especially opening hour because I wanna make sure I really can visit the place at the time I plan. After that, the hotel is usually the first think I book as it's probably the most important part. The next thing is a plane or some other transportation that is essential for the trip.

After you've confirmed that you can book a smooth itinerary, have one last thought about your trip. Remind yourself of the purpose of the trip and if the proposed itinerary will meet those needs. At this point I usually go through the schedule with whoever is traveling with me to make sure they are okay with what I've planned, or eventually hear out their suggestions for any change, so everyone is satisfied with the schedule.

And that's pretty much it. All's left to do is to start being excited about the trip, maybe start thinking about what to pack with you.

Now I need to do few more things before going to Paris (still haven't booked everything), I'll let you know how the trip is going. Till then, stay on top of things and take care!


Pin it for later:

sobota 9. dubna 2016

A Glimpse of The Alps

H E L L O  friends.

Just a week ago I spent four days in the mountains, more specifically the Austrial Alps, at the usual place - Zell am See/Kaprun with glacier Kitzsteinhorn. I go there every year, for more than 10 years now, and I would go as far as calling this place my second home.

And here is just a few pictures...

středa 16. března 2016

Up close to fashion with Katie Cassidy

H E L L O  friends.

I've decided to start a little series here on the blog. It'll be dedicated to women I admire whether it's because of their fashion style, beauty style, life style or because they're just truly inspiring.

And this is the first part and I'm starting with my biggest fashion inspiration: Katie Cassidy. 
Let's face it. This lady is just amazing at all fronts. You may know her as an actress. She's starring in a current TV hit show Arrow but she also appeared in the TV show Supernatural and much more.

I don't wanna sound like Wikipedia but let's get some facts straight. Her whole name is Katherine Evelyn Anita Cassidy and she was born on November 25th, 1986, in LA. She has quite an acting background as her dad and his parents were actors. She made her television and acting debut in 2003 by appearing in an episode of the Lifetime drama series The Division. In 2010 she also appeared in over eleven episodes of the fourth season of Gossip Girl.
She is also a spokeperson for the charity H.E.L.P. Malawi that spreads hope, education, love and protection to the children and makes it possible to give them a chance to make their aspirations and dreams become a reality beginning with education. It helps building schools throughout Malawi in rural areas that surround Malawi's National Parks.

Katie's also working on the website TOMBOY KC which is my number one go-to website when I seek inspiration whether it's fashion, beauty or life style.
And I also freaking LOVE her instagram!

I love how she's proving to the world that you as a girl can look damn gorgeous but still kick ass!

And as this is mainly about fashion, let's take a look at some of my favorite outfits Katie put together. I just love her style so much. It's so like me! Well, I love tomboy style in general. And Katie is a pro in that.

Better in Denim:
Denim is probably my favorite thing ever. And it can be jeans in all forms, shorts, jackets, skirts, or jupmsuits. I gotta admit I never wear this kind of denim jumpsuit but seeing how amazingly it looks I totally wanna try it. The one Katie wore is out of stock, but I found very similar ones here and here. I also just adore the little cute clutch from Pamela Barsky - you HAVE to check her out! She's doing some cool funny stuff!

The Streets of London:
There's something about wearing sandals in the rain. Call me crazy, but I've done it and it felt right. When everyone else was complaining about their feet in wet cold shoes, I was like: not my problem, my feet are already dry. So yeah, totally worth it! And I just love blue & white combo!

Far Out:
I just love me some Birkenstock. Perfect shoes for summer (or any rainy days! ha!). Also graphic tees are my go-to when I just don't know what to wear. Well, basically all my tees are graphic because... why not! 

Your Boyfriend's Jeans:
I'm telling you, boyfriend jeans will never go out of style. They look so damn cool on you and they are so freaking damn comfortable. I always wear the hell out of them. And when you put your heels on... Well, hell yeah! Perfect balance is perfect balance. Wear it! Wear it, girl!

When Camo Met Spencer:
There's never enough plain white tees in your wardrobe, I kid you not! Stock up, because you can wear it every day - dress it up, down and every which way to Friday! And put it all together with jeans and leather jacket and... hot damn! And don't get me started on camo print! It's everywhere now and you won't hear a single complaint from me! Nope, sir! It just ads that extra edginess to your outfit in an instant. 

Alrigh, that's it for now. I'll come swooping back with another part for this series pretty soon, I promise. Till then, stay on top of things and take care!
